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Cortos de Gigantes

Corto de Gigantes

Corto de Gigantes is a series of short stories that uses various animation techniques to explore the life and work of the most outstanding film directors of all time.

Thirteen 6-minute chapters.



SOL RIETTI graduated from University of Buenos Aires, majoring in Image and Sound Design. She co-directed the series “Fat Girl”, “Los Inadaptables” and directed the animation series “Cortos de Gigantes” and “Instrucciones Para Humanos”. Rietti was also part of several other audiovisual projects in the directing, art design, animation and post-production departments. Currently, she is an advertising director for


Festival Carballo Interplay 2015 Official Selection

Festival FIDEWA 2015 Official Selection

RIO web fest 2015 (Ganador mejor guión de no ficción)

Latino Web Fest 2015

Melbourne Web fest 2016 Best International Animation Series


Vancouver Web Fest 2016 Official Selection

Sicily Web Fest 2016 Official Selection

Expotoons 2014 Winner of the Jury Prize

Miami Web Fest 2015 Best Animation Series

Hollywood Web Fest Official Selection

Bawebfest 2015 (Best Post production and Montage)

NYC web fest 2015 Official Selection

Festival Arcipielago, Roma 2015. Winner of the Jury Prize
